Taller Virtual 2021

La Asociación Nacional de Diáconos Hispanos de los Estados Unidos, invita:


Con Félix Palazzi, S.T.D.
Professor of Systematic Theology
Boston College – School of Theology and Ministry


Join Zoom Meeting

En la antropología teológica trataremos de aproximarnos a la realidad humana y la realidad creada desde la Revelación Cristiana. Nos acercamos a esta realidad asumiendo el hecho que el Dios que nos ha creado es el Dios Trinitario. No un ser ausente de esta creación, sino el Dios encarnado en Jesús.
En este encuentro nos aproximaremos a los textos de la Sagrada Escritura: Primer Encuentro: La creación en Gn1. Segundo: Gn.2. Estos textos son importantes en el desarrollo general de la teología de la Creación. Nos acercaremos a dialogar sobre a su significado e importancia para la pastoral y para la teología en general.

Prof. Palazzi was born in Caracas, Venezuela. He is a Latin American lay theologian and holds degrees of Doctor in Theology and Licenciate in Dogmatic Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome; Baccalaureatum in Philosophy  and Baccalaureatum in Theology from the Pontifical Salesian University of Rome; and Licenciate in Education (with mention in Philosophy) earned from the Jesuit`s Catholic University Andrés Bello in Caracas. His postdoctoral research was made at the Julius-Maximilians Universität in Würzburg, Germany.

Among his administrative responsibilities, he has been Director of Advanced Theological Studies and Director of the Master in Fundamental Theology of the Graduate Studies at the Jesuit`s Catholic University Andrés Bello in Caracas. He was a visiting professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, the Universität Wien in Austria, and Boston College (MA).

Among his past teachings are theological anthropology, theology of grace, eschatology and systematic Mariology. He is an specialist on Rahner`s Theology, with several publications on his Mariology and Anthropology. Among many, we can highlight: “Disertación sobre el Dogma de la Asunción de la Beata Virgen María según Karl Rahner”. Pontificia Università Gregoriana Publications, Rome, Italia, 2004; “La Tierra en el cielo.” Published in the theological book series: “Cuestiones Fundamentales de Teología”. Ediciones Paulinas –Universidad Católica Andrés Bello Publications. Caracas, 2007; and “Pensar a María en la teología de Karl Rahner: para una hermenéutica de las afirmaciones marianas” in Ephemerides Mariologicae 2016 (Spain).

He has been Associate Professor at the Jesuit`s Catholic University Andrés Bello in Caracas and Stabile in Rome. Currently, he is Associate Professor of the Practice at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry.

Pastorally, he serves Hispanic immigrants in the Boston Area, offering formation, Gospel reading Groups, talks and spiritual accompaniment. Due to his international experience and language skills, he is available to accompany people and follow academic researches in Spanish, English, Italian and German.